10-Step Directions On How To Buy Generic Viagra Online Safely


This is a pill that we all know or at least heard of. This means that it is presented in most online pharmacies. The overabundance of offer and various traps that are used by online stores to lure you in make it hard to make truly informed decisions. Here are our TOP 10 tips on buying generic Viagra.

Tip #1. Read about the Drug.

The internet is an endless ocean of information where you can find virtually everything about everything. You just need to try really hard. This means that you can easily read all there is to know about Sildenafil Citrate and its effects. Instead of believing each and every website that offers you a product or a service, fish for good independent sources of information like science journals, Wikipedia, scientific publications, and trusted web portals such as Reddit where many informed users exchange information.


It is very important to know everything about a drug that can be potentially dangerous. While you cannot really overdose, there are serious adverse effects to worry about. For example, the drug can cause a temporary loss of vision and/or sight, can inflict a condition called priapism (a tissue damaging long lasting erection), and induce other complications. Before even starting your shopping session, be sure that you actually know all you need to know about the product that you are about to purchase. Look up as much information online as you can, Medsworld has a vast database on correct use of Canadian pharmacy drugs against male impotence, and has an added benefit of bringing together best price offers on these and other drugs.

Tip #2. Seek for Good Websites.

Any e-Commerce project thinks about usability. Good entrepreneurs know that it is in their best interests to keep users engaged. They will create flashy yet stylish websites and work hard to create a compelling yet very efficient interface that can help them to improve conversion rates. This is not a bad thing for customers. In fact, you will appreciate a good website with a conveniently organized catalogue features hundreds if not thousands of items.

By choosing websites that look good and feel good to browse, you will most certainly find better entrepreneurs who are actually interested in improving your user experience. At the same time, better design, UX, and UI mean that money is invested in the project. It is less likely that such a good website will belong to fishy scammers.

Just take a look at the visuals and ensure that nothing is done sloppily:

  • Images and layout elements must be aligned properly.
  • Buttons and hyperlinks must be well-managed and conveniently grouped.
  • The visual design should not be a mess. Everything must have a purpose.
  • The website must work fast and provide a ton of useful information about the product.

If all other conditions above were ticked, you can safely continue your shopping tour and take a closer look at the stock featured on such a great website.

Tip #3. Compare Prices.

One of the biggest advantages of online shopping is that you can easily compare prices from different stores without walking or driving around. You just need to click and compare prices. Do not throw away this huge advantage and use it to its fullest extent. Start from searching for generic Viagra choices at the website that caught your attention, but do not hastily put everything in your shopping cart. Being impulsive is a bad trait for smart shopper.

Instead, go to another website and check whether you can get a better deal. There are some companies that offer huge discounts on bulk purchases. Some give seasonal discounts. There are various cool ways to cut down the price and make your shopping that much more efficient. If you want to keep some money in your pocket, always compare prices from different stores.

Another important thing about prices is that some companies track your personal data and spending habits meaning that you can be charged more for a specific item if you have recently spend a reasonable amount of money online. Do not become an internet sheep!

Tip #4. Search for Coupons and Discounts.

All companies that operate online have to compete with thousands of competitors meaning that they often use small tricks to lure you in. However, it is not as sinister as it sounds. In fact, most of those lures are great deals that will help you to save money. Just select several good looking respectable websites and regularly monitor their offers and check your e-mail. Often, you will receive coupons and discount codes.

Another good idea is to just start googling for coupons and discount codes. You can ask the biggest internet crawler to just search for ways to reduce the price in a specific store. This is a great way to shave a good chunk of change off the final check.

Discounts can be different. Some companies have ongoing discounts applied to bigger bulk purchases. There are companies that have a good loyalty system implemented. They will offer you bigger discounts on future purchases. In some cases, you will enjoy special seasonal deals that will make the final price much smaller. In some places, all these discounts are stackable.

Tip #5. Know the Source.

Generic Viagra is a not a single medication that all comes from one single gigantic factory. Generic Viagra is a common name for a vast spectrum of products sold all over the world that contain mostly Sildenafil Citrate and rarely various additions such as Dapoxetine. Viagra is a great medication that provides great results and can be quite effective for certain patients. This is why so many countries want to produce copies of it or even counterfeit it.

There are 4 major countries where Viagra is being products in industrial volumes:

  1. One of the biggest economies in the world also happens to have one of the biggest pharmaceutical black markets. You can definitely find a generic or two that has Chinese writings on it or a proud sign “Made in China”. Do not worry, less than 2% of all generic Viagra coming from that country is fake.
  2. Another growing economy with a massive industrial complex. This is a country where labor costs from little to nothing. Most of modern pharmaceutical products come from this country. Sadly, they also make a lot of counterfeit produce as well.
  3. Most counterfeit or smuggled generic Viagra is the US come from Latin and Central America. There are pharmaceutical companies in Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil, but Colombia is one undeniable leaders. They produce a lot of generic Viagra and distribute it all over Americas.
  4. This is another big player on the international pharmaceutical arena. This country has good loyal laws and incredibly flexible taxing as well as one of the cheapest workforces in whole Europe. This means that they can produce drugs without investing much.

Interestingly enough, despite many claims from huge corporations, all these companies sell good stuff. If you want to purchase a bottle of generic Viagra, do not be shy and get a cheap package of pills that was produced somewhere in Turkey! You won’t be disappointed.

Tip #6. Don’t Be Shy and Bargain.

Some people believe that the price tag in an internet store is the final number. However, it can be easily adjusted. Online managers and small time entrepreneurs are quite flexible when it comes to offering clients better deals. Remember that they are trained to keep you interested in their business. This means that you can always complain about prices and point out that you can get the same product in another place for a much lower price.

This will not work 100% of times, but some companies will be more than happy to lower the price and keep you as a customer. There is nothing more valuable to them than a person who is willing to spend money at their store one more time.

Bargaining is definitely a skill, but the very first step is to stop being shy and just ask for a discount directly from a manager. You can contact someone via e-mail or livechat and inquire whether you can get an additional benefit. In some cases, you will be a couple of bucks short of reaching a threshold for a specific discount. Again, don’t be afraid to ask if you can get that discount. Chances are you will get a positive answer more often than not.

Tip #7. Get Pills in Bulks.

This is a tip that we are giving all the time. Don’t forget that the vast majority of companies will offer special prices to people who are willing to purchase more. If you do not need a big amount of pills for yourself, just ask your friends or relatives and maybe they will also want a couple of Viagra pills. You will summarize your orders and get an additional discount.

Generic Viagra hard pills can be stored at room temperature in moderate humidity without huge repercussions. This means that you can easily get a bottle with 300 pills and just share with people who chimed in. Separate pills and store them in tight lightproof containers. They will last for up to 3 years if stored properly.

Generic Viagra also has different packaging options. Everything depends on the manufacturer. There will most certainly be companies that are willing to produce hundreds of pills cheaply and pack them in huge bottles allowing you to get a good deal by buying several hundred pills in a single container. At the same time, most online pharmacies will offer you special deals if you get 10, 50, 100, 300 or more pills. This means that you can choose the exact amount of discount that you will receive.

Tip #8. Browse in Incognito Mode.

There were several studies that showed that some stores do have information about your spending habits and search history as well some social interactions in social media. They use this data to manipulate prices and give you slightly adjusted offers. Just use the incognito mode and browse website that you like. Chances are you will get a nice discount on every single purchase.

Another good idea is to clean up cookies and browsing history. Some online pharmacies will use this easily obtained data to skew their prices. This tip should be used for shopping online in general. While it is true that companies will give you a more incentivizing offer if your spending is below a certain threshold, but you will get worse deals more often than not. Just remember that the internet is not your bedroom. People know how you behave online and can exploit this knowledge.

Browsing incognito also helps to find out which companies did try to lie to you about their prices. You can simply start using this technique to exclude from your favorites those online stores that have fishy pricing policies. In the end, you want to work with honest vendors who are not against transparency and want to have better and closer relationships with their clientele.

Tip #9. Don’t Make Rushed Decisions.

Some people immediately make an order when they see a “good enough” offer. However, you should always think twice before ordering. We have given you 8 tips that can help you to either reduce the price or learn more about the product before you put it in your shopping cart. Before you hit that purchase button, maybe give all of those 8 tips another goes and check once again whether you are actually getting a good deal.

Some vendors will try to seduce you and offer seemingly big discounts, but hide some nuances from your sight. For example, they will offer you free shipping but try to make you pay special fees. There is a million of ways an online business can screw you up. This is why you should be patient and just wait for a truly beneficial deal. It will come to you naturally if you are persistently searching for the best deal possible.

Another good tip is to double check all hidden numbers. Are you sure that you are not being charged more for additional services like “packaging”, “delivery notification”, and other stuff that you don’t necessarily need?

Tip #10. Consult with an Actual Manager.

Some companies offer online medical consultations and will gladly answer all of your questions. This is something that people fail to use to the fullest extent. Just ask about anything you want from the origins of the product to website’s usability issues. There is a lot of information that you can acquire by simply asking. On the other hand, you will more than likely be able to talk about important issues such as discounts and special offers.

A personal conversation with a living person is a way to establish a connection to the company and its staff. You will have better chances of receiving valuable information about the products and bargain for better deals if you work closely with someone from the inside. While it is possible that they will try to benefit from you as well, you can easily repeat all of the steps listed above and try to avoid a bad deal.

Bonus Tip

Always remember that generic Viagra is a drug that is usually sold only to people with a prescription. However, you can get it after consulting with a medic online. This is not a strictly regulated medication. This is yet another advantage of shopping online. You can just talk to a doctor who works for the pharmacy and receive a consultation about whether you need to use generic Viagra at all. In most large online stores medics are available at business hours (in some places 24/7). Do not shy away from bombarding them with questions that you would be uncomfortable to ask from a doctor who sits right in front of you.

The Main Takeaway

Shopping for generic Viagra online has a multitude of benefits. Just do not forget that you need to be cautious about how you approach each purchase. While spending as little as possible should be your main priority, do not forget that quality is also an important factor. Sildenafil Citrate is not that hard to make. This means that most manufacturers do not have to fake the product. It is more beneficial to just “cook” some good stuff and sell it to people. However, the real quality may differ. This is something that you will have to check for yourself!

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